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What are you waiting for? Plant some trees already

It's Arbor Week and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources is encouraging residents to plant 50 million trees by 2030 and pin the locations on an interactive map
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Trees are important, and this Friday is Arbor Day, so it's time to get excited about them. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is encouraging residents to plant 50 million trees by 2030 and pin the locations on an interactive map.

The Mi Trees planting campaign is part of, a global effort to plant more trees to help communities adapt to the world’s changing climate.

Plant your new tree with plenty of room for its roots and water it throughout the summer. Here are some more tips:

  • These tips from the Arbor Day Foundation can help you choose the right tree. Staff at your local nursery can also advise you. This planting guide can help you give your tree a good start.
  • Consider planting native trees, which provide food and cover for wildlife.
  • Water your tree daily in the first week, then about once a week afterward. Check out the Tree Owner's Manual for more care tips.
  • Visit our interactive map and log your tree.

People have planted more than 84,000 trees already toward the goal. The DNR’s Forest Resources Division sustainably manages nearly 4 million acres of state forest land, including planting millions of trees each year.

For local Arbor Day fun, check out the Arbor Day events on our webpage.