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Sept. 11 through Sept. 17 declared as Patriot Week: Peters

Co-founded by Oakland County Judge Michael Warren, Patriot Week aims to honor and remember the lives lost in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, commemorate Constitution Day on the 17, and encourage students to engage in American history
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WASHINGTON, DC – For the 6th consecutive year, U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) has introduced a bipartisan resolution designating Sept. 11 through Sept. 17 as Patriot Week. Co-founded by Oakland County Judge Michael Warren, Patriot Week aims to honor and remember the lives lost in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, commemorate Constitution Day on the 17, and encourage students to engage in American history. 

“Patriot Week is a time to honor those who died during the horrific terrorist attacks on 9/11, and recognize the profound bravery of the first responders and servicemembers who answered the call to defend our nation in one of our darkest moments,” said Senator Peters. “Just as we came together in those days following Sept. 11, this resolution encourages us to always stay unified and remember our core values as Americans, in order to address the challenges we face ahead. I continue to be thankful for Judge Warren’s efforts to help champion this important initiative each year.” 

“Remembering what makes America the greatest nation in world history is extraordinarily important if we hope to maintain our freedoms and liberty,” said Patriot Week co-founder Judge Michael Warren. “Patriot works to do just that. Co-founder Leah, my then 10-year-old daughter, and I applaud Senators Peters and Kennedy for reaching across the aisle to promote another Patriot Week resolution in the world’s greatest deliberative body.”

“In this very divisive time, we can too often overlook what unites all of us as Americans. Patriot Week is a nonpartisan initiative that helps us embrace the Constitution and our foundational First Principles that we should all support,” said Chief Justice Elizabeth Clement of the Michigan Supreme Court. “By deepening our appreciation for the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and our commitment to the rule of law, equality, limited government, and our unalienable rights, Patriot Week is sorely needed to help renew the spirit of America.”

Peters introduced the resolution with U.S. Senator John Kennedy (R-LA). The full text of the resolution can be found by clicking here

Peters serves as Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee as well as a member of the Armed Services Committee. Peters volunteered for the U.S. Navy Reserve at age 34, where he earned a Seabee Combat Warfare Specialist designation and rose to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. After the September 11th terrorist attacks on our country, he volunteered again for drilling status and served overseas as part of his Reserve duty. He later earned a diploma from the College of Naval Command and Staff, U.S. Naval War College.
