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Sault Ste. Marie updates construction projects

Upcoming projects and current progress also kept updated online
Work on Meridian Street is show in this drone photograph.

Below is an update on construction projects within the City of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.

The Easterday Avenue Truck Route and Carbide Dock Port Reconstruction

These projects are scheduled for substantial completion by Sept. 30. We will keep you updated as the project nears completion for the public to be able to access Alford Park and the fishing areas. Meridian Street – W. Easterday Ave to 8th Ave (.49 miles) water main, sanitary sewer replacement, and roadway reconstruction will be part of the project. No special assessment is expected as the project is funded through MDOT’s Small Urban Program. Elmer’s was awarded the bid by MDOT at $3.1M. Project started in June, substantial completion by Sept 20, final completion Oct 18.

Power Canal Trail Phase II - Non motorized trail continuation - Ashmun to Johnston Street in partnership with MDOT, Cloverland, & Private Donations. (.45 miles) This project, originally slated for 2022, was delayed due to emergency utility work on the canal required by Cloverland. MDOT awarded the contract to Payne & Dolan, and they have agreed to an extension of time until August 2025, but it could be 2026. We will continue to update the public on the project as cannot proceed with the project until Cloverland’s work is completed as they are working directly in the path of the trail. Total cost for 2022 before delay; $289,000. Monthly updates are also pushed out to donors.

Safe Routes to School The proposed project consists of improvements for pedestrians within the service. This project consists of improvements for pedestrians within the service areas of Lincoln Elementary, Washington Elementary, and Sault Area Middle School in Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. There has been extensive planning on the routing and the project would also complement and continue the connection between a previous SRTS project at Bahweting Schools. Partners include the Michigan Department of Transportation, Michigan State University, Michigan Fitness Foundation, Sault Schools, Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians, and the city. Learn more about SRTS here: Safe Routes to School | Sault Ste. Marie Michigan ( The project was awarded to Hunt Bros. and started in June. The project is set for completion Oct. 4.

Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrades & Peck-Meridian Area Collection System upgrades and CSO Closure In partnership with EGLE the city has obtained Clean Water State Revolving Funding (CWSRF) to upgrade a failing wastewater treatment plant and upgrade the Peck and Eureka area collection system and the last two known CSO closures. This project includes work on four of the five major treatment processes at the treatment plant. The collection system improvements will include an area bounded to the South by Sheridan Drive, to the North by Peck Street, to the West by Meridian Street, and to the East by Fort Street. This will include 225 E. Portage Ave. CSO structures in Portage Avenue. Improvements will include sanitary sewer, storm sewer, watermain, and roadway reconstruction. Total project is $35 million with construction to start Fall 2024 at the outfall near the community gardens and then in the neighborhoods in Spring 2025. Another public meeting will be scheduled in Spring 2025 and homeowners are receiving weekly email updates regarding the project, including temporary construction easements. The treatment plant reconstruction will start Fall 2024.

Water Street Combined Sewer Overflow In partnership with the U.S. Army Corps Under their 219 funding, this project would close out one of our three last remaining CSOs. This would eliminate CSO site #007 @ Water & Bingham intersection. The project includes Construct Ashmun St./Maple St. Sanitary Sewer Lift Station, Reconstruct the sanitary sewer overflow structure in the intersection of Bingham Avenue & Water Street to eliminate an eight-inch overflow connector between sanitary and storm sewer which outfalls through St Mary’s Falls Park at the Bingham Avenue & Water Street intersection, and Rehabilitate the storm drainage out fall piping (12 & 48 inch) within St Mary’s Falls Park. Total estimate still in design; $1.2M. We now have an agreement for this project and are looking at 2025 construction.

I-500 Project This project will construct new roads, a parking lot, vendor building and other upgrades that will help make the raceway venue a year-round tourist destination. The EDA investment will be matched with $513,000 in local funds and is expected to create or retain 50 jobs and generate $2 million in private investment, according to grantee estimates. Sault Convention & Visitors Bureau, EUP Regional Planning, and the City are working with OHM on the project design. We are currently waiting on site ownership documents to be recorded and then we will work to schedule bid letting Fall 2024 for construction Spring/Summer 2025.

Other upcoming Projects:

  • Sault Tribe RAISE Grant – Partnership, currently in the Planning & Design Phase
  • MNRTF Grant - Rotary Park Bathroom Pavilion, currently in the Design Phase with tentative construction in 2025
  • MDOT Bridge Bundling Preventative Maintenance Grant – currently in the Design Phase
  • MDOT Safety Grant – intersection of Meridian & Easterday – currently in Design with tentative construction in 2025

Please contact our Engineering Department if you need any additional clarity on our upcoming projects. We will keep our Project List updated on our website. Bid Opportunities are always updated here.
