American Legion Post 3 and the United States Coast Guard Sector Northern Great Lakes (formerly Sector Sault) teamed up once again this year to pay tribute and remember those who sacrificed their lives for this country on Dec. 7, 1941.
This year's ceremony was held on the deck of the CG Katmai Bay. Roger Merchberger, Post 3 Commander, briefed those on the CG Katmai Bay about what happened on that day at Pearl Harbor.
"It is with great honor for all of us who serve, past and present, to honor in our way those souls who perished during the attack on Pearl Harbor, by offering our own symbol to their sacrifice on this day," Merchberger said.
Chaplain, and Korean War veteran, 92-year-old Carl Eagle had the honor to present the memorial wreath and put it in the St. Marys River.
"This is one of the most important events for our veterans. There were so many killed that first day. We owe them to do this service. I have been active in the American Legion for over 65 years and I am proud to have served my country," Eagle said.
Even though, as the years pass, we get farther away from that infamous day, Merchberger feels we must not be blind to history.
"To use a little too often quote, 'those that forget history, are doomed to repeat it'. That's why we need to have ceremonies like this so that we never forget the history on this day so long ago," explained Merchberger.