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Police ramping up for 'Operation Safe'

Safety initiative looks for drivers illegally passing school buses
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To ensure students’ safety when traveling to and from school, law enforcement officers across Michigan will be ramping up patrols as part of a safety initiative looking for drivers illegally passing school buses. This enforcement initiative provides an opportunity to educate drivers on how to safely share the road with buses and provide safety for Michigan's students as they are loading and unloading at bus stops.

“Operation Safe Stop” is an enforcement campaign that will be conducted statewide during School Bus Safety Week, which runs October 21-25. Participating law enforcement agencies will work with their local school districts to provide education and enforcement for their communities.

The illegal passing of a school bus is extremely dangerous, and a serious traffic offense. According to the Michigan State Police Criminal Justice Information Center (CJIC), in 2023, there were 988 crashes involving school buses in Michigan. Of the 988 crashes, there were five fatalities, however none of the occupants were on school buses. There were 73 crashes that occurred at school bus stops, where the bus lights were activated. Of the 73 school bus stop crashes, although there were no fatalities, there were 31 injuries.

A one-day survey conducted by Michigan school bus drivers in May of 2024 reported 1,362 times that a motorist passed a school bus illegally. Of the 1,362 illegal passes, 46 were on the righthand side of the school bus.

Drivers who pass stopped school buses may be charged with civil infractions carrying a fine up to $500. Drivers who pass a stopped school bus and cause an injury, face a misdemeanor charge and a fine up to $1,000 and/or up to one year in jail. Drivers who pass a stopped school bus and cause a death, are subject to a felony with a fine up to $7,500 and/or up to 15 years in jail.

Every time drivers ignore the flashing lights or stop arm of a bus, they are putting a student’s life in danger. Operation Safe Stop will help keep students safe and will educate drivers on how to safely share the road with school buses.

Bus Stop Safety Tips for Drivers

  • Be prepared to stop when a slowing school bus has its overhead yellow lights flashing.
  • Stop outside the School Bus Zone, at least 20 feet away from a stopped school bus that has its red overhead lights flashing.
  • Avoid distracted driving (cell phone use, eating, grooming, etc.) during the times when school buses are making stops for passenger pick-ups and drop-offs.
  • Watch and be alert for children waiting at their bus stops – especially since it can be dark during pick-up and drop-off.
  • Look for clues-such as safety patrols, crossing guards, bicycles, and playgrounds-that indicate children might be in the area.
  • Watch for children between parked cars and other objects.
  • Slow down in or near school and residential areas.
  • Parents driving children to the bus stop, please do not release children into streets/traffic and have them run to the bus.

Safety Tips When Getting On the Bus

Remind your child to:

  • Wait at your bus stop in a safe place, and take three giant steps away from the curb.
  • Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop.
  • Wait until bus driver opens door and gives the OK to board.

For more information about “Operation Safe Stop” and school bus safety, please visit
