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OpiRescue app helps prevent opioid misuse and death

The OpiRescue app is available statewide in Michigan
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In an effort to reduce the occurrence of overdoses and help residents learn to treat an overdose, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is launching OpiRescue, a smartphone app aimed at reducing harm.

The OpiRescue app helps anyone, including first responders, prevent opioid misuse and reduce opioid overdose deaths by addressing education, prevention and tracking of overdose reversals.

“Preventing opioid deaths includes offering a variety of strategies to provide residents tools when and where they need them,” said Dr. Natasha Bagdasarian, MDHHS chief medical executive. “The OpiRescue app will support those who may encounter an overdose to immediately begin life-saving treatment to an affected individual.”

The OpiRescue app provides:

  • Educational content to identify and reverse overdoses.
  • A Naloxone finder to locate the medication nearby.
  • A treatment locator.
  • Information on how to report an overdose reversal.

The OpiRescue app is available statewide in Michigan on both Android and iOS platforms. It is free to use and anonymous. It can be downloaded at Apple iOS app store or through Google Play.

MDHHS partners, including Prepaid Inpatient Health Plans and Syringe Service Programs, actively involved in caring for members of the public experiencing opioid use disorder will have access to a dashboard for their region. The dashboard will allow those partners to view overdose reversal data in near real time and allocate additional resources as needed to areas with increased reports of overdose reversals.

For more information on Naloxone and how to obtain the medication, visit
