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In historic exchange, Sault mayors get keys to each other’s city

‘This will get you into all the hockey arenas [and] socialized beer stores’ – Ontario Sault Mayor Matthew Shoemaker to his Michigan counterpart Don Gerrie
As Mayor Pro-Tem Ray Bauer looks on, Michigan Sault Mayor Don Gerrie and Ontario Sault Mayor Matthew Shoemaker exchange keys to their respective cities

Receiving a key to the city of either Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan or the Ontario Sault is an honour never bestowed on mere mortals.

But the mayors of both cities were deemed worthy of the accolade Monday night as the twin cities exchanged honorary keys at a joint meeting of their municipal decision-making bodies.

"This is something we don't bestow on anybody," said Michigan Sault Mayor Don Gerrie.

"We gave it to Gene Simmons of Kiss," Gerrie told Ontario Sault Mayor Matthew Shoemaker.

"And then we've only given two others and one was to Jeff Blashill, who was the coach of the Red Wings. And to Abby Roque who was an Olympic hockey player and now a professional hockey player."

"It's our honour and privilege to give you the same, the key to the City of Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan to the City of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario," Gerrie said. 

Mayor Shoemaker responded by saying it was only the third city key ever presented by the Ontario Sault.

"We have only presented the key to our city to Dr. Roberta Bondar [Canada's first female astronaut] and Michael Amadio, the recent Stanley Cup champion who was born and raised in Sault Ste. Marie."

What, exactly, can you do with a key to the city?

"This will get you into all the hockey arenas," Shoemaker said.

"And beer stores?" somebody asked.

"Socialized beer stores," Shoemaker assured him.

It was the first joint meeting held by the twin cities since 2017.

Both cities outlined their recent accomplishments and agreed to renew a 39-year-old mutual aid pact to assist each other's fire departments when requested.

Ontario Sault Fire Chief Peter Johnson remembered crossing the International Bridge in 1996 or 1997 to help fight a fire at the venerable Alpha Bar.

Ontario Sault firefighters have only gone across the river about seven times since then, most recently in June, 2015.

No one can remember Michigan firefighters being asked to come to the Ontario Sault, but the two fire departments do participate in joint training exercises on the International Bridge.

Also discussed on Monday night were an update on economic development/tourism initiatives, the carbide dock port project and downtown growth plans.

“We were very pleased to host our friends from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario this evening," said Mayor Gerrie.

"Located at the center of the Great Lakes, there is tremendous untapped tourism potential in this area, and we’ve directed staff to pursue potential joint opportunities. Mayor Shoemaker and myself have enjoyed developing a positive and productive working relationship, and I look forward to exploring how we can best serve our area."

"We're hoping to make this an annual meeting for sure and continue the collaboration that we've started here tonight," Mayor Shoemaker said.

"We look forward to the positive relationship that is ongoing."

"Furthering development of the important relationship between our communities has been a priority of mine, and tonight represented an opportunity for elected officials and municipal staff to engage in a formal discussion about how we can work together with increased frequency."

The Twin Saults serve a model of the benefits of international collaboration, and the leadership of both communities is committed to exploring opportunities for more collaboration, such as through the cruise ship sector," Shoemaker said.