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87-year-old dies from injuries after struck by dirt bike

The incident occurred on March 1 around 7 p.m.
Michigan State Police file photo

PRESQUE ISLE COUNTY — On Saturday, March 1, 2025 at approximately 7 p.m., troopers from the Michigan State Police (MSP) Alpena Post witnessed a dirt bike crash on County Road 451 in Presque Isle County. Troopers’ investigation indicated an 87-year-old Rogers City man walked across County Road 451 with a flashlight to his mailbox. Once the man reached his mailbox on the east shoulder of the road, a juvenile operating a motorized dirt bike without a headlight was traveling northbound on the same side of the road and collided with the elderly man. The 87-year-old man was airlifted to the hospital with lifethreatening injuries. The driver of the dirt bike did not sustain any injuries.

On March 5, the 87-year-old man succumbed to injuries he sustained during the crash.

The Alpena Post was assisted by troopers from the MSP Gaylord Post, Presque Ise County Sheriff’s Office, Rogers City Police Department, Rogers City Ambulance, and Roger City Area First Responders.
