I thought the 200 cheque was from the federal goverment isn't this a provincial election
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I have known Lily and most of her family from Desbarats for a long time she will be missed by many she was a big part of the community Hugs to the family Kathy Haynes
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Sorry for your loss of such a wonderful beautiful lady Hugs to the family and friends
Kathy Haynes
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Hugs to Carol, Allan, Keith and Nancy and their families. I have known and been a friend and neighbour for over 50 years My family grew up with them they are all good friends thinking of you Hugs Kathy and Cassy Haynes
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Brad was our neighbor many years ago He was the kindness man I knew never judging or speaking badly about anyone he was atrue care giver as a nurse again at Arthurs funeral home He surely helped me through the loss of my husband Hugs to his family He will be missed Kathy Haynes
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Sorry for your loss Karen Hugs Kathy Haynes
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Jim knew Ray for over 50 years and he was always very kind to us it broke my heart to hear of his passing I know how hard it is to loose a love one sending hugs to you and your family I truly care love Kathy Haynes
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I was shocked to hear of Robert passing I worked with him so many years ago He was so much fun to work with always singing or whisling as he worked he adored his family. He was such a caring man. Hugs to the family Kathy Haynes
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I will miss Marijean she was like a mother a friend all rolled up in one I am selfish I didn't want her to leave I loved her so much and she treated me like family even though I wasn't Hugs to the family and thank you for sharing your Mom
Kathy Haynes
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Cyndi I met your mom in the store the other day and she told me about Jesse My heart broke for you I recently lost my son in-law and it tore my heart out I know it is not the same but the hurts stays with you the biggest huggs to you I am here Kathy Haynes
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