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"Uniquely Able Day" scheduled at the Chippewa County Fair

The Chippewa County Sheriff's Office is once again sponsoring the special day for those with special needs Thursday, Aug. 29, 2024, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

The Chippewa County Fair in Kinross runs from Aug. 25 - Sept. 1 and is loaded with fun times, food, and events.

One special event continues its tradition of welcoming in those with special needs on Thu. Aug. 29.

Chippewa County Sheriff's Office will once again sponsor "Uniquely Able Day" (formerly "Special Needs Day").

From 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Sheriff Mike Bitnar says those with special needs to age 26, and their parents or guardians, are welcome to attend for free. Skerbeck Entertainment Group will open several of their rides, for free, with limited noise.  

At 1 p.m., you are invited to join the volunteers and other families at the Sheriff's Office booth located between the goat barn and Quonset hut for free lunch.

Bitnar is looking forward to meeting the children and families.

"It is an honor to help give back to those families who have children with all types of special needs. I know the children love to meet with us, see our law enforcement equipment and get pictures with us. This is such an important event as it brings those children in contact with our Deputy Sheriffs in a positive way. I know our staff has as much fun at this event as the children do," Bitnar said.

Volunteers and donations make the day possible.

"All of us at the Chippewa Co. Sheriff’s Office look forward to the annual special needs day at the Chippewa Co. Fair. We have staff from Corrections, Law Enforcement Division, our part-time staff and Victim Services Unit (VSU) advocates who all donate their time to help and ensure these children have a great time. Over the past several years we have gained sponsors to help purchase food and drinks for the event. This year is no different. We currently have much of the food and drinks either purchased already or monetary donations to help with those expenses," Bitnar said.

In addition to the free rides and lunch, Bitnar said there is even more fun for everybody.

"We are adding one additional event this year.  We are partnering with our local 4-H and participating in a corn-hole tournament with the children. This event will take place after the special needs day on Thursday, Aug 29th. Every participating 4-H child will be partnered with one of our Deputy Sheriffs. One lucky team will receive the first-ever 4-H corn-hole trophy," Bitnar added.

Each participant will receive a bracelet to ride rides and two additional bracelets for caregivers/family members.

This event is intended to be as sensory-friendly as possible (slower rides, blinking lights turned off, music volume lowered, etc) so that everyone can enjoy the carnival.  Not all carnival rides are available to ride during this event. 

Participants must have a parent/caregiver with them at all times. Volunteers will be available to assist with participants if necessary, but cannot be responsible for your family members.

Pre-registered youth will receive a complimentary T-shirt and goody bag. Click here to pre-register.