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Sept. 11 - A time to reflect and remember 23-years later at LSSU

The university will hold its 'Commemoration of September 11' Wednesday at 10 a.m. at Pleger Commons in the middle of campus

Lake Superior State University will hold its annual Commemoration of Sept. 11 Wednesday at 10 a.m.

It's the date in 2001 when four hijacked airplanes were weaponized against sites in the United States.

The ceremony will be held in the center of campus between the administration building and Crawford Hall at Pleger Commons.

All students, faculty, and staff are invited to the ceremony. It is also open to the general public.
Local government officials, armed service members, law enforcement officers, and local firefighters will be present.

Sault Ste. Marie City Fire Chief Edwin Miller will be one of many in attendance again this year.

"Twenty-three years ago the events of 9-11 changed us all, and a promise to never forget was embraced by all affected by this attack on our way of life. The events that day have shaped our current world; by taking the time to remember those lost, we can also understand the impact of evil and the lack of understanding that led to the terrorist attack. The lives of those lost should never be forgotten, the events that led to that day should be remembered so we can never experience this again," Miller said.

Miller appreciates the area's continued remembrance of that fateful day.

"We are so lucky to live in a community that takes the time to 'never forget', that we have a university that understands the importance of remembering the events, the loss of life and its impact. This is both a healing event and a reminder to be vigilant, but compassionate. I am proud to be a part of a caring community committed to never forgetting the events of 9/11. Seems just like yesterday, but the sounds and images of that day are etched in my memory. The world is not the same, but just because it's not the same doesn't mean we can't make it better. I personally will never forget," Miller added.

Sault Ste. Marie City Police Chief Wes Bierling echoes Chief Miller's thoughts.

"We must continue to never forget and to always honor all of those who lost their lives that day, many, sacrificing their life for the sake of others.  We appreciate Lake Superior State University for facilitating this solemn event every year, bringing us together as a community united in our remembrance," Bierling said.