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'Run Rabbit' movie will be shown at Mighty Mac Fest Oct 5.

Also showing, is award-winning 'Father's Day' in the film festival held in St. Ignace.
'Run Rabbit' will be shown Saturday Oct. 5 at the Mighty Mac Fest in St. Ignace.

Chris Studenka got into acting serendipitously.   

Sometimes that is all it takes to get the ball rolling in the film industry.

"Around 2016, I was living in Scottsdale, Arizona, where I still reside, I was running a lot of marathons and in great shape and modelled running clothes and shoes for Dick's Sporting Goods catalogues and ads. That led to being asked to audition for commercials, then a small part in a film being shot in Phoenix. After doing all of that I realized maybe I had a hidden talent or some type of ability and I started studying acting like crazy. I studied acting like I was getting a PhD.  Started auditioning for anything and everything, going back and forth to L.A. a lot. Got many roles, didn't get many as that's part of the business and all the process for me learning as a 45-year-old who had zero experience.  That led to meeting Director/Writer Justin Rose and we made 2 short films, one being Father's Day which is also playing at the Festival, and then making Run Rabbit.  Trying to make something happen on our own," Studenka said.

Coming up on Saturday, Oct. 5 at 8 p.m. at the Mighty Mac Fest, Studenka will show off the latest of his work in Run Rabbit.

"Run Rabbit is a is a psychological thriller.  A dialogue heavy, dark film about a vigilante that is killing pedophiles across the city.  As he is being chased the realization that the ring and those involved include prominent city officials and it sets up for an explosive ending.  It is an anti-hero film," Studenka said.

In previous showings, Studenka said film-goers gave it positive reviews.

"As people leave, as we have found at all of the live showings, the ending has brought great applause and people cheering.  Although the people they are cheering for, are they really good people?  That is what people are left to ponder, was I really just cheering for that? But it's because the build-up of the story and the finish is so satisfying," Studenka explained.

Probably more impressive with the theme of the story, is the budget the movie was created with.

Not millions of dollars. Not even close.

"In regards to the budget, it's fun to share that but also I hate telling people up front as their expectations may dampen what they can expect.  Our film shows and plays like a multi-million dollar film as it has played alongside $20M films at festivals. People are beyond shocked and many still don't believe we did it for $500.  (That is five, one-hundred-dollar bills). What normally takes teams of people and millions of dollars we did with 3 people and nothing.  Myself, Justin Rose and Greg Wave, who plays the mysterious vigilante, did every single aspect of the film. Greg is an actor friend I've worked with on many projects, including a failed pilot. We'd talked of doing something ourselves and with Justin's super talent, we embarked on a year-long journey. Greg and I had worked with many actors over the years and we reached out to those that we knew could act, as this is a serious acting film so we needed people that could produce. We were able to get everyone to join the film for free because they believed in the script and in us," Studenka said.

There were doubts the movie could be done with such a low budget.

"Many weren't sure we could actually pull it off, but loved the material and wanted to be a part. We filmed it all in Arizona and had actors come from LA and looked all over the country as the parts were very specific. Two of the actors are coincidentally from Michigan originally as well, Battle Creek and Pontiac, I didn't know that when casting them. So we paid no one, we got all the locations for free, including a church, by asking and using friends' and families' homes and such. Our money went to a hotel we shot a scene in and some props and some food/craft services if you will. That's it. But to a person, everyone that was in the film said it was the best production they've ever been a part of. Reason being, we shot expeditiously and wasted no one's time. No one was sitting around a set all day waiting to film. Justin, Greg and I would meet all week, prepare relentlessly, so that when the other actors were there, we started shooting immediately. I have never stopped working my regular job, although I had a few months off of that year, but we met all week at night and filmed on weekends", Studenka continued.

Bringing Run Rabbit back to Michigan is extremely special to him.

"Prior to moving out west, I looked and worked in Traverse City. At that time the Traverse City Film Festival started and I was a big patron and loved attending and it became one of the biggest festivals on the circuit. I was hopeful to bring a film to TC sometime, but they stopped after last year after a 20-year run. St. Ignace was apparently started, in some ways, out of TC not having one and trying to bring a great festival to Northern Michigan again. This is the first year, they have some real Hollywood talent coming and it should be great. The chance for me to share my film that has played all over the world, Prague, Berlin, Stockholm, Hungary, LA, Hollywood, Las Vegas, Orlando... and won dozens and dozens of awards including Best Feature Film at over 10 Festivals, to be able to bring a project that I am very proud of, to share that with family and friends, who haven't had the chance to see it yet and then to be able to speak about it and talk about it, that brings me great joy. I'm ecstatic to bring it to St. Ignace," Studenka said.

Of course, Studenka says he could not be where he is today without some great people he looked up to.

"My greatest influence without question is both of my parents Bob and Mary Studenka. They have been married almost 60 years, happily. They provided a wonderful upbringing, middle class in Lansing, and were and still are great role models in all ways of life. They are great people and gave me the opportunity to have the fortitude within me to even try acting, doing something way out of my norm, as I've just been a white-collar professional my whole life, nothing remotely close or related to the entertainment industry.  They raised me with belief in myself and the strength to try anything even if it wasn't what they might do," Studenka said.

Then there are people in the industry who are influential.

"My favorite person in the film industry is my film-making partner, Justin Rose. I met Justin as he was just out of film school and making his first film a short Red Velvet Evening.  We were having great success on the Film Festival circuit then the pandemic hit and all Festivals were canceled for about a year.  During the pandemic I wrote Father's Day and he agreed to make it with me and we did and then had tremendous success on the Film Festival circuit as it played all over the world and won dozens of awards.  Then we undertook Run Rabbit, which he wrote, thinking we could make a feature film, naively.  But did and have had great success.   He and I are great friends and work very well together despite our 25 year age difference.   As for Hollywood influence, I would say Quentin Tarantino as he's always made his movies, his own way, no matter what the studios say to him.  He's a bit rebellious but also makes very thoughtful, dialogue-driven, character-driven films.  I love that type of work," Studenka expressed.

Studenka graduated from Central Michigan University in 1995 and makes sure he incorporates CMU in his work.

"On the surface, it gave me zero preparation for acting and film-making.  However, my time there was very special to me for many reasons.  My two roommates from the Towers are still two of my best friends. I include CMU in every project I do, one way or another. In Father's Day, my character is a CMU graduate and his diploma is shown. In Run Rabbit, one scene I'm wearing all CMU, shorts, t-shirt and a hat. CMU was a special time in my life. I am forever grateful for the education and experience," Studenka concluded.

Run Rabbit, along with Father's Day, will be shown at the Little Bear Arena in St. Ignace.

For more information on the Mighty Mac Fest, click here.

Click here to see the trailer on YouTube.