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Raber Township Volunteer Fire Dept Gets New Fire Truck

'When you are working on a very minimal budget, equipment is hard to come by,' Raber Township Volunteer Fire Department Chief Bruce Johnson

The Raber Township Volunteer Fire Department in southeast Chippewa County has 15 dedicated firefighters.  

It is located between DeTour and Pickford on M-48.

They are responsible for 125 square miles in their township but also provide mutual aid for DeTour and Pickford Volunteer Fire Departments.

Wednesday afternoon, there was a special delivery to the fire department with several members of the community there, along with firefighters.

The Charter Township of Lansing's Fire Chief, Todd Hendy, drove up and presented the truck to the township.

Even though the truck is around 35 years old, it still has many years left in it to do the job.

"It's in mint condition.  It was the number one engine for the charter township of Lansing.  They just replaced it so they are giving us this one," said Bruce Johnson, Raber Township Volunteer Fire Department Fire Chief.

Brand new, the tanker/pumper fire truck would be around $700,000, Johnson said.

But Johnson, and the township, was able to get the fire truck at no cost.

"There is no way we would ever afford that.  The more equipment we have on the road to get to a fire, the better off we are to protect this community," explained Johnson.

"When you are working on a very minimal budget, equipment is hard to come by," Johnson said.

That is where Johnson gives great praise and thanks to Denny Hughes, from Belfor Property Restoration.

Hughes was a firefighter for 31+ years with the Farmington Hills, Michigan, Fire Department before retiring in the summer of 2012.   He started working for Belfor in early 2013.

"Denny is the main instrument in getting everything we need.  He talks to the big fire departments in the cities and gets stuff donated to us and others in the Upper Peninsula," added Johnson.

"The biggest thing is getting water to a fire in this area.  So any way we can get water to the fire scene and pump it right away, it's beneficial to the community," Johnson said.

Hendy also had the fire truck labelled with Raber Township Volunteer Fire Department decals before it was delivered Wednesday.

This new addition will make six trucks in their fire-fighting fleet.

"The community support is phenomenal," concluded Johnson.