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Have mortgage payments? The state has some helpful information

The state has resources that are helpful in getting through the process
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The Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS) is sharing best practices, reminders, and resources for Michiganders regarding their mortgage payments. 

“As always, Michiganders who have questions about their mortgage or have financial difficulties that might delay payment should reach out to their lender to understand and access available resources and assistance," said DIFS Director Anita Fox. "It is always better to contact your lender for help first before missing a payment."

If you have a mortgage, keep in mind:

  • Pay on time: Make payments if you can. Being on time with your mortgage and other loan payments is the most important step you can take to build and protect your credit. Credit can affect employment screenings, utilities, and more.
  • Contact your lender ASAP: If you think you may have trouble meeting your loan obligations, contact your lender immediately. You can find your lender’s contact information on any statements you receive. Lenders can look at your situation and find the best options to help you maintain your payments.
  • It is not too late: If you have missed one or more mortgage or loan payments, getting the assistance you need may not be too late. Contact your lender today to ask for help.

Additional housing resources are available through these agencies:

You can also contact a MSHDA approved agency for other free assistance. Consumers who have questions or disputes that cannot be directly resolved with their financial institutions can contact DIFS Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 877-999-6442 or file a complaint online.

The mission of the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services is to ensure access to safe and secure insurance and financial services fundamental for the opportunity, security, and success of Michigan residents, while fostering economic growth and sustainability in both industries. In addition, the Department provides consumer protection, outreach, and financial literacy and education services to Michigan residents. For more information, visit or follow the Department on Facebook, X, or LinkedIn.
