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Republicans respond to Governor's State of the State address

Growth of the State budget is a major concern
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On Wednesday, Chairman Jim Runestad of the Michigan Republican Party issued the following statement in response to Governor Whitmer’s State of the State address: 

“In 2017, the budget for the state of Michigan was about $56 billion. After nearly seven years of Governor Whitmer’s leadership, her budget has now ballooned to over $80 billion. This exponential growth represents massive expansions of the state government. More bureaucrats hired to come after honest tax payers, more taxes to pay for those bureaucrats, and more wasteful government programs that are more focused on DEI than the common sense governmental functions that Michiganders want.”

“Last November, Michigan voters sent a clear message to Lansing politicians; they want a government that works for them, not against them. Gov. Whitmer needs to cut the pork, cut the extreme left wing policies, and cut Michigan taxes. The 2026 elections are right around the corner, and the Michigan GOP will work nonstop to ensure that Republicans take control of the state government and get Michigan back on the right track. We will Make Michigan Great Again.” 
