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Mackinac County road manager elected VP of state association

Collectively, Michigan’s county road agencies manage 75 percent of all roads in the state, including 90,000 miles of roads and 5,700 bridges
Dirk Heckman is the new vice-president of the Michigan County Road Association. Photo supplied

Dirk Heckman, manager for the Mackinac County Road Commission, was elected vice-president by the Michigan County Road Association.

Heckman has worked for MCRC since 2008, serving as engineer-manager. Heckman, a graduate of Michigan State University, previously worked for a consulting firm starting in 1999, and in several capacities at the Chippewa County Road Commission for seven years. 

“I am grateful and excited for this opportunity to serve CRA’s members,” Heckman said. “The association continues to make a big impact in Michigan, and I look forward to getting even more involved.” 

The 83 members of the County Road Association of Michigan represent the unified voice for a safe and efficient county transportation infrastructure system in Michigan, including appropriate stewardship of the public’s right-of-way in rural and urban Michigan.

Collectively, Michigan’s county road agencies manage 75 percent of all roads in the state, including 90,000 miles of roads and 5,700 bridges. County road agencies also maintain the state’s highway system in 63 counties. Michigan has the nation’s fourth-largest local road system.