Austin’s Cigar Lounge is a premium cigar, pipe tobacco, and whiskey lounge in downtown Sault Ste. Marie, MI. Locally owned and operated, the Cooper Family has been part of Sault Ste. Marie for the past three generations. Our ties to the city and LSSU are what inspired us to want to help reinvigorate our downtown with something new and different.
Even if you don’t smoke cigars, you still can come in and enjoy one of our classic cocktails or newer rifts in our relaxing atmosphere, and visit with friends or family. If you are Yooper born and raised, or a transplant, or just visiting, you can enjoy a game of cribbage or euchre at our tables in the back and watch your favorite team on the big screen. So stop on down, enjoy a smoke, a drink, a game, and experience what Austin’s has to offer, you won’t be disappointed.